Same Side Superman
This is a fun take on the Superman but with both legs on the same side of the pole. This is an advanced pole trick.
Taught by Veronica Solimano
Siwasit Swing Into Superman
Walkover to Shoulder Mount
This Walkover to Shoulder Mount is an advanced pole trick and taught by Steven Retchless.
Tantra Veronica Advanced Static Pole Combo 1
Tammy Bird of Paradise
Tammy The Dream Catcher_1
Tammy The Hazel
Tantra Veronica Planche
Tantra Veronica The French Twist (GFX FIX)
Tantra Veronica The Pantera Spin (GFX FIX)
The Brass Monkey Press
The Brass Monkey is a staple move and can be used as a transition, an inversion or as a move on it's own. It can also be super progressive, with the press being the most advanced.
Taught by Veronica Solimano
The Archer
The Archer is an advanced pole move taught by Crystal Lai.
Tantra Veronica Flight Attendant To Hurricane
Tantra Veronica Shoulder Mount Superman Climb
Tantra Veronica electric legs
Tantra Veronica Regular - Chinese Grip Handstand
Marion Crampe
Tantra Veronica Twisty Splits
The Pegasus
The Pegasus is an advanced pole trick. Taught by Oliver Pavick
The Tik Tok
The Tik Tok is an Advanced Move and requires some flexibility.
Taught by Crystal Lai