Class Routines
This Playlist consists of routines of all styles including Exotic, Lap Dance, Erotica and Lyrical. It also includes on and off the pole.
Brass Angel Exotic Routine with Lily
This Intermediate to Advanced Exotic routine includes a Pirate Spin, Bracket Grip, Tit a Whirl, a Windmill and the Brass Angel. Lily will walk you through all the transitional movement in between. Make sure to watch the Brass Angel Combo before doing this routine!
Lyrical Pole Routine with Julie
Learn this all level Lyrical Pole routine with Julie.
Intermediate Erotica Routine with Tammy
This fun sexy Erotica Routine is an intermediate level so make sure that you have your shoulder rolls and shoulder stands mastered.
Erotcize Routine with Sonja Sloane
Follow along with Sonja as she takes you though a mini Eroticize Routine. This slow controlled movement will not only strengthen the muscles that you need to create beautiful sensual movement but it will also help with technique and aid in flexibility. This is great for all levels.
Int/Adv Lap Dance Routine with Sonja Sloane
Learn this intermediate to advanced Lap Dance routine with the legendary Sonja Sloane.
Exotic Dance Int/Adv Routine with Tammy
Follow along with Tammy Morris as she guide you through this intermediate to advanced Exotic routine. It is important that you fee strong with the Iguana Flip before attempting this sequence.
Backspin Combo - Tammy Morris
Once you have mastered the Backspin, Backslide, Fireman and Backbend with a Kick, it's time to put them together. Make sure to watch the individual tutorials for each move first. Then let Tammy Morris guide you through this beginner routine.
Routine with Bodywave Kick
Twerk Routine
Torwa Joe
Tammy Exotic Dance Routine #1
kylie vogue routine #1.mp4
tammy's exotic dance routine #2
kylie vogue routine #2.mp4
Advanced Exotic Pole Routine with Clara
Learn an advanced Exotic routine with Clara Wong. Remember to skip any of the pole tricks if you do yet have the strength to attempt them safely.
Intermediate Exotic Routine with Mackenzie (Sonja Sloane)
This routine includes pirouettes, a Pirate Spin and a Helicopter to Fallen Angel.
Classic Burlesque Movement Routine
Learn a classic Burlesque routine with Lola Frost. These movements can be slightly stylized to use in Exotic or Erotic as well.
Intermediate/Advanced Exotic Dance Routine with Mackenzie (Sonja Sloane)
This intermediate routine includes a Pretzel, Teddy Bear and Pole Climb.
Intermediate Exotic Routine with Bodywave Kick by Sonja Sloane
This routine includes a Pole Climb and Walking on Thin Air.
Intermediate Exotic Routine including Madonna Sweep with Sonja Sloane
This intermediate routine includes the Madonna Sweep and a Shoulder Stand.
Advanced Exotic Routine into Diamond Dip with Sonja Sloane
This is an advanced routine that includes a Windmill into Pole Sit and a Diamond Dip.
Lyrical Pole Routine with Nick Mui
This Lyrical routine is suitable for all levels except for the Crunch Spin which is more of an intermediate move. Follow along while Nick takes you step by step through this flowing piece that could be added to any routine.
Intermediate Lyrical Spin Routine with Nick
Follow Mick as he breaks down a Intermediate Lyrical Routine that starts off with a Windmill, backspin, shoulder roll, climb, Jasmine and Martini Sit. Make sure you have all these individual moves mastered before learning this routine.
Level 1 Erotica Routine with Keilana
Learn this sexy level one erotica routine with Keilana.
Level 2 Exotic Pole Routine with Clara
This Level 2 routine includes a Carousel Spin, Pirate Spin, Pirouette, Juliette Spin and more...