Strength & Conditioning
Need to get stronger to achieve your pole tricks? These tutorials will help you strengthen all your pole muscles!
Tantra Veronica Spin Conditioning Flare to Invert (GFX FIX)
Tantra Veronica Spin Conditioning Pullups
Erotcize Routine with Sonja Sloane
Follow along with Sonja as she takes you though a mini Eroticize Routine. This slow controlled movement will not only strengthen the muscles that you need to create beautiful sensual movement but it will also help with technique and aid in flexibility. This is great for all levels.
Squats and Wavy Leg Exercises with Sonja Sloane
Go through sexy squats and wavy legs with Sonja Sloane. Not only will you learn proper technique but you will also develop the strength to execute these moves gracefully.
TNA Full Version (41 mins) with Sonja Sloan
TNA works your tush and abs while burning fat and working the cardiovascular system. Watch Intro to TNA first to learn the technique if your TNA squat. Get fit with Sonja Sloane.
Intro to TNA with Sonja Sloane
Watch this video to understand the technique of doing a great squat before watching the TNA tutorial.
Body Ball Leg Lifts with Rachel
Rachel will teach you safe and effective technique while lifting the body ball with your legs. Add on crunches once you develop your core strength and need more of a challenge.
Body Ball Crunches with Rachel
Learn the proper technique to do safe and effective crunches on the body ball.
Body Ball Planks with Rachel
Learn a proper and safe plank on the Body Ball with Rachel. This exercise is great for strengthening the core.
conditioning for pole climb
caterpillar push up
jackknife situps
Handstand Presses
superman push up
Stretch and Rehab Core Focus with Leiah
Follow along with Leiah as she takes you through a series of exercises to help strengthen the core. Core strength is essential for not only pole but for your overall health and wellness.
Stretch and Rehab Glute Focus with Leiah
Follow along with Leiah as she takes you through a series of glute strengthening exercises.
Stretch and Rehab Shoulder Focus with Leiah
Follow along with Leiah as she goes through shoulder strengthening and stabilizing exercises. More shoulder dislocations occur than any other joint. The greater the range of movement, generally the weaker the joint is. In pole we use our shoulders a lot so it's so important to keep this ball and ...
Inversion Conditioning
So you can get your butt up on that pole now?! Nice work, now it's time to work within that range of motion and really develop your strength. Getting up there is one thing, but staying up and controlling your movement is another! Practice these inversion conditioning exercises and you will be ...